The Cardhouse De-Lux Archive Site Map Office Wad.
Cardhouse Tip Jar SYSTEM: Ko-fi / Patreon
History |
Vertical strips of each year
Strips. Long vertical strips of each weblog year. Fascinating, more so than most things. [jan15]
Books. Many images of non-fiction books with links to, in most cases, the actual book. [aug19]
2023mixtape: Not only with orange. [dec31]
2022. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
2022mixtape: ????H ????? ???????? 2022?10?19??? (Lawson H Asakusa Kannon Store Soundtrack October 19th, 2022). [dec31]
2021. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
2021mixtape: Jab. [dec31]
A Review of Safeway's DriveUp & Go Technological System. Do not use. [jul05]
2020. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
2020mixtape: 2020202020. [dec31]
2019. --- feb mar --- may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Cardhouse Tip Jar. It is how you give me tiny bits of your money. [may17]
2018. jan --- --- --- --- --- aug sep --- nov dec
A quiet year. Gardening, humming short tunes under one's breath.
2017. jan feb apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Historical History. A firm look back at Cardhouse/web culture 1994-now. [jun28]
Nothing happened.
Cardhouse re-boot #2. Now let's try
some sort of all-image disaster thing. [sep01]
Some of this year was on a tumblr account but they put extremely restrictive limits on image sizes so I left. I make snap decisions like that ALL THE -- yes I WILL have a delicious vanilla shake for dinner ... where was I.
2013. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
This was all on a tumblr account.
2012. --- --- --- --- --- jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Some of this year was on the old, ill-advised tumblr account.
Explorinating Nonchalance. A consideration of a years-long immersive experiential narrative. [aug29]
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The Cardhouse time budget for this year was used instead to work on
Erstwhile Philatelic Society projects.
2010. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep --- nov dec
2009. jan feb mar apr may jun jul --- sep oct nov dec
2008. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
2007. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Travelling Cross-Country By Train. Perhaps you will enjoy it.
2006. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Trader Joe's FAQ. "All about" this low-cost shopping alternative. [feb26]
2005. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec Pay phone of the week. Very dead now RIP 2005-2006.
The NAMM Show. A musical instrument convention. I was the oboe. [nov28]
PETA vs. The Veget-Aryans. The final meat parade/war. From 1998. [jun01]
2004. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Billboards in a Red, Red State. Signs tell me what to think. [oct29]
Pig Parts: Arizona State Fair 2004. Phoenix, Arizona. [oct21]
Dot's Diner. Bisbee, Arizona. [oct10]
Welcome Diner. Phoenix, Arizona. [oct10]
Hawaii Shop. Seventy+ products. [oct01]
Toys in Japan. Thirty+ products. [aug02]
Arcades in Japan. Forty+ machines. [jul13]
2003. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Arizona State Fair 2003. Food trailers + more. [oct11]
The Mysterious Case of The Dancing Wax Junket The store that forgot to care. [sep13]
Food City. Photos of a shopping excursion. [sep11]
Shipping/Moving Cross-Country Save money and your stuff. [aug25]
Musee Mechanique Photos. [jul28]
Color-Coded Terror Response Comedy Piece via & w/Rob at Cockeyed [feb18]
2002. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec A website of phrasings. Very dead now RIP 1983-2002. [dec14]
Hard Things In Soft Things Manifesto: Nuts in food - why? [oct17]
Domo-kun: Loveable Japan monster-based mascot system for NHK. [may09]
Niko-niko Punsuka Hamuemon: Japan hamster-based game show. With sound. [mar23]
Speedpool2: Let's take regular pool and bend it. [jan19]
2001. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Uncut playing card printer waste sheets [dec31]
Candy Cigarettes: current foreign brands [nov08]
Old Vegas: Old slot machines, etc. [oct13]
Zombie Village A lush tropical paradise awaits! It's waiting! [jul09]
Toys vs. Services Mix-Up! Drop on into the Ball Party! [jul08]
2000. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Soldiers In Distress Ido, Chocolate, the Red Cross. What? [sep20]
All Salt Action the most sodium we could find ... now EAT [jun22]
All About All About books/etc using the phrase "All About". That's all. 61 images. [may09]
Dr. Berk's Please Pass the Science: Science. SCIENCE!!!! [may03]
The Pleasure-Railroad a 1911 rollercoaster for the insane [apr24]
CRLF line convertor a program for Mac-to-PC Eudora mail [apr12]
1999. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
The Stairway of The Edmund Fitzgerald two-song combinatorial analysis. [jan02]
Swatchbeat ROCK! an exploration of the new Internet Time Standard. [jan16]
Children in Distress Czechoslovakian matchboxes of the 1950's. Timeless. [feb16]
Donut Site Domain Survey Part 2 URLs that contain the word "donut." [feb25]
A raster-to-vector computer algorithm [jun23]
Candy Cigarettes current brands, info, history, etc. Many pix. [oct03]
1998. ... feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Truck Soccer remote-controlled trucks, a ball, regulations. (discontinued) [jan01]
A modern smoking family ad Six images. [apr24]
Advertising postcard detourning Five images. [nov18]
1997. jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
House (ransom, moving) [may20]
Semi-truck smash [jun29]
Cheap Date, I am [nov12]
The 666 Lego Lawyers v. Pizza Elves [nov06]
Slovakia 2006! [nov06]
1996. jan feb --- --- may jun --- --- sep oct nov dec
Auto Stereo Intro (0:55) Intro to CD. [oct20]
The Computer Jon Ferguson [aug03]
House Rant Steve Gross [feb26]
All Right. (0:07) Dead painter guy audio track.
Scarlett O'Hara (2:49) Random TV audio track.
Lucky Drunk (26:30) Tragically long samplin' audio track.
1995. --- feb mar apr may jun jul aug --- oct nov dec
Cross-Country Burn: Burning Man 1995 The biggest travel article + lots of pix. [dec21]
Big Trouble Little Windsor Ray-Bob [sep16]
X13: Danielle Briesbois Todd Matthews. [may15]
X13: Milk and Cheese (96k) Evan Dorkin [may15]
X13: Japanese Candy and Gum reviews Jack Szwergold [may15]
X13: Science - The Leap Second Scott Berk [may15]
X Magazine #13: Japan. Last issue. [may15]
1994. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- dec
X12: The World's Best Record Review Ever @Man [jun10]
X12: F-P Theatre - Of Mice & Men [104k] Evan Dorkin [jun10]
X Magazine #12: Mad Bad Remix [jun10]
WRCK Collage (0:36) Samplin' audio track.
Jupiter (4:04) Ethereal audio track.
Mercury (0:51) [dec28]
Pesto (pts. A+B) (4:07) [dec26]
X11: Letters [sep09]
X11: Consumer Electronics Show [sep09]
X Magazine #11: Half-Power [sep09]
Camp Lucky Theme Song (3:35) [aug]
Confused Israeli (0:35) [dec25]
Jaco (3:08) [dec25]
Jaco (extro) (0:28) [dec25]
X10: F-P Theatre - "The Lottery" (81k) Evan Dorkin
X10: The Ezra Pound Poem
X10: Science - The Glowing Pickle Scott Berk
X Magazine #10: 2nd Anniversary Cook-out [oct15]
X9: Milk and Cheese (148k) Evan Dorkin [jan31]
X9: Science - Potatoes Scott Berk [jan31]
X9: The Bose Acoustic Wave Cannon Scott Berk [jan31]
X Magazine #9: Noise [jan31]
X8: Milk and Cheese comic (121k) Evan Dorkin [oct15]
X8: Science - Margarine Scott Berk [oct15]
X8: Post-Nuclear Holocaust Racing [oct15]
X Magazine #8: Autos [oct15]
X7: KLF interview Ernie Longmire [jun24]
X7: Evan Dorkin interview [jun24]
X7: Catcher in the Rye (1: 106k) (2: 138k) Evan Dorkin [jun24]
X7: Milk & Cheese - Merv Griffin! comic (113k) Evan Dorkin [jun24]
X7: Letters [jun24]
X7: Toys as Psychobaubles Kathryn Cannon [jun24]
X7: Behold the Little People [jun24]
X7: Little Peopleography [jun24]
X7: On Campus with the Little People Scott Berk [jun24]
X7: Locating the Little People [jun24]
X7: Worship the <X> - Stretch 'n Dust Ray Eifler [jun24]
X7: Science - Styrofoam Scott Berk [jun24]
X Magazine #7: Toys [jun24]
X7: Messages [jun24]
(Why Are You) Pumpin'x3 (0:19) [jun24]
Condensed Films: Heathers (1:06) [jun24]
Nightlines Scratch-N-Crash (0:11) [jun24]
White War (1:08)
Bowling Introduction Scott Berk [dec]
An All-Too-Long History of Bowling Scott Berk/Mark Simple [dec]
X6: Science - Bowling Scott Berk [dec]
X6: The Flexible Belly Bowling Pin Steve Gross [dec]
X6: Bowling for Xmas - Bowling Toys Neal/Laura Manson [dec]
X6: Milk & Cheese: Bowling (1: 127k) (2: 110k) Evan Dorkin [dec]
X Magazine #6: Bowling [dec]
X5: Bus Hell [nov12]
X5: Poetry for Air-Raid Captains [nov12]
X5: Milk & Cheese - Intro Evan Dorkin [nov12]
X5: Milk & Cheese - Home Shopping Network Evan Dorkin [nov12]
X Magazine #5: Travel [nov12]
X4: Poetry That Lends Itself to Slamming [sep17]
X Magazine #4 [sep17]
X Magazine #3: Detroit [jul20]
X Magazine #2: Musical Oasis [apr]
X1: Letters [mar01]
X1: The Strive for Mediocrity Ray Eifler [mar01]
X1: Worship the <X> - Wheat 'n Bran Triscuits Ray Eifler [mar01]
X1: The Year 1990 and Beyond [mar01]
X1: Can We Seize the Duck? [mar01]
X1: Best/Worst Chemistry Pick-up Lines Scott Berk [mar01]
X1: Poetry [mar01]
X1: Explodiervergnugen graphic [mar01]
X Magazine #1: Luv [mar01]
Doodle Doodle Dee (0:11)
No Pink Lemonade (1:11)
Sprockets (Tone Mix) (0:47) [aug25]
Sprockets (Cake Mix) (1:06) [aug25]
Sprockets (Bugs Mix) (1:06) [aug25]
Flotilla/Sasquatch (2:28)
Hey, Isn't That Soul Train? (2:21)
Farmer Jacks, Aisle 17 (1:14) [nov27]
Cow Boom (0:30) [sep]
Let's Have a Little Talk (0:32) [sep]
The Ugly Duckling (1:46) [jan]
Dekkard Goes Bowling (0:15)