The Computer.
The Computer - How To Program the Computer
In order to program "The Computer" (as us computer scientists call it, the computer, that is), one must first find a computer. Where would the computer be? You must think like a computer to figure where the computer would be. Computers think like this (in his 'mind', he 'thinks': "11011010001." Have you found the computer?
One of the most immportant functions to help you program the computer (simply referred to as "The Computer" from now on) is loading the accumulator (assuming of course, that the computer you are working with has an accumulator). To load the accumulator, you must execute the instruction to load the accumulator, that is the load the accumulator instruction ($9D). A note about passwords: one would normally create a password that isn't a common word, but easy to remember, (e.g. "SCH73EHER293AZ85ADE"). See? Good!
Be careful when you link, many errors can be included in a link that is not too, too good. You're about halfway done, now, in the steps necessary to program the computer; in more ways than one you have finished the other half. The keyboard is important, as well as Mr. Ergonomics. Have you found the computer?
Secondly, be careful when a modem was attached to the computer, for almost all the previous steps will change in one way give or take another; for example - when looking at a modem-supported screen, adjusted contrast aid the eyes in comforting. This would be the same had their not been a modem, yet.
Floppies. No heat. No pens. No water. No fingers. No smoking. Or water: pens neighter. IMPORTANT: You can not use a floppy too much!
Now I realized I was almost ready to begin programming the computer. Programs are where you take smaller programs and put 'em together to make one or more non-incohesive wholes.
One thing I shouldn't even mention and have mentioned before is the necessity involved with plugging in the computer. Any questions?
by Jon Ferguson
Editor's note.
The following is a beginning English college paper created by Jon Ferguson. The professor required everyone to create the worst possible paper they could.