![]() X Magazine #8. Autos. October 1991. "Do you think fear should be used to influence driving behavior?" -- Sportsmanlike Driving, AAA, 1955. The boots may be hot, so be careful. Be sure all parts of your body, especially fingers and hands, are clear of the shoulder buckle while it is moving. Do not mount snow chains on the COMPACT spare. Don't rest your foot under the accelerator pedal when the Cruise Control is on; it may pull the pedal down onto your foot. Never drive the car with the doors ajar. If the engine has been running, some engine components may be hot enough to burn you. WARNING: Follow tire changing preparations and procedures carefully to reduce the possibility of injury. The jack is designed for changing tires only. STAND CLEAR, DO NOT get under the car and DO NOT run the engine when the car is supported only by the jack. |
Please Pass the Science: Margarine.
Post-Nuclear Holocaust Racing. |