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Arizona Deep-Fried State Fair (5).

hot dog on a stick

Comic Sans ON A STICK! No, I'm sorry, Comic Sans is much worse than this.

catfish vendor

I like to imagine that sometimes, the owner of this booth pays someone to stand on top waving purple and yellow flags while yelling "CATFISH!!! IT IS HERE!!!" I guess I'm just not used to seeing food booths trumpeting catfish and walleye.

food vendor trailer

"Polish on a stick," the innovative new cleaning device that will change your life. Polish on a Stick? Freedom. Can we get a close-up of that "Polish"?

hot dog + flag

There we go. Hello my friend ... hello. Proudly rotating on the same stick as the American flag, or a comical depiction of a hot dog constantly running away from said flag while screaming in terror? Your imagination: the ultimate judge and jury.

food trailer

If you look closely, there's someone working on the ride to the upper left. This reminds me of one carnival during which I saw a guy welding a small roller coaster track, taking time to pause while the cars zoomed by. Perhaps he was just another scary prop. "THEY'RE STILL WORKING ON THE TRACK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

food vendor

This guy's got the Hot Dog on a Stick concession all locked up, except for the other forty-seven Hot Dog on a Stick vendors.

on a stick sign


pizza + flag

There's just something about comically-large food items rotating along with an American flag. I don't know. Background: food eaters rotating ON A STICK.

Fry bread is a traditional Native American snack. It consists of a circular-shaped bready-like substance which is then fried. Afterward, you or someone you love pours honey or sugar on top. I am cutting way down on my sugar intake, so this is only a twice-daily treat.

This trailer also has the more traditional up-and-down lettering, paying no respect to the baseline, no respect at all. There was a car that had staggered letters like this -- I believe it was the Pontiac Sundance. Whenever I saw the car, the song "Enter the Gladiators" would play in my head, really not a good image for the company.

Also, the trailer itself is not leaning wildly to the right -- I've made the magical discovery that at the end of an intensive photo-taking day, I tend to have a lighter touch holding the camera. So what you're seeing is the result of my thumb pressing down on the right-hand side of the camera. Very amateurish. Perhaps in the photos to come I will correct the tilt (and it's in a lot of them). Perhaps I will not and every time you see it you can chuckle with your new "insider" knowledge. Perhaps they should put the button on the middle side of the camera so you're not affecting two dimensions every time you screw up like this. Yes, you.

sparkle ice sign

Here's a close-up of the ice machine signage, for all you ice-machine signage fans out there (see also: Cynthia Connolly 1 | 2) Lovin' that "G." Note: tilted.

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