The Wreck Room

Home of much good goofery! I find that screwing off and acting like a complete sausage is an important counterpart to our hectic, oh-so-serious lives. Read on.

Santarchy 2000 New Orleans!- Fun time had by all who attended.
SantaCon 2001 New Orleans- Bigger, louder, drunker, funner
Mazdalicious- quite possibly the most important car on Earth.
Wienermobile- quite possibly the SECOND most important one.
BurningMan98- a wonderful circus of the absurd, a prelude to the death of BurningMan.
BurningMan is DEAD! Admit it, and get on with your life.
High Adventure in the High Desert (the BOOTH!)- I went w/ DeuceOfClubs to the Mojave Phone Booth a couple times, then lots of assholes started showing up, now I don't go.

Footnote August 2000- now the booth is GONE!

Search me! Some of the odd ways fellow surfers have landed here...
My SHIT LIST- Like many things, hopefully this needs no explanation.
A certain free or low-cost barcode scanner recently made available.
Front Door