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Please note that this is an archived domain which used to reside at Phoneswarm.com. Some links may not work. What you want to look at is the Phoneswarm archive which goes from October 2 2005 to October 29 2006. Over a year of phoneswarming.

There are a few things that you can do to make the Phoneswarm experience that much more "hep," if you are so inclined, and perhaps I can help you as well.

1.) Obviously, you can always call the number in question. See what develops! Perhaps your future spouse is on the other end of the line. Or a squirrel with a tiny fake moustache! You really never know. Embrace the random. Drop me a line with the time that you called, where you're calling from, your name (make up something if you want to), and details of the call. Thanks!

2.) Then of course you could haul yourself out to the payphone in question and answer some calls. Bring a chair or something to read! You are Phoneswarm's official ambassador now. Wear a jaunty boat captain's hat. You know, like that guy who was in the Captain & Tennille band, I can't remember his name.

3.) If you are able to get through to someone who has a URL, or you have one and you've gotten through to someone, I can also put a little link in here to promote your website or project or what-have-you.

4.) You can also contribute pay phone numbers! I would like at least three photos - one of the actual phone number as displayed on the pay phone itself, one of just the pay phone, and one of the pay phone in its surrounding area. Other additional photos of the area are welcome, especially if it seems relevant/necessary. I am looking for pay phones that:

a) are away from some poor service-sector slob who will hear the phone ring all day
b) are away from residental areas
c) are in picturesque, interesting, and/or heavily-trafficked places
d) have places to sit, maybe
e) are away from traffic and other noisy dangerous things
f) actually ring when someone calls (test this while you're there!)

5.) I am always on the lookout for webcams that are pointed at payphones. That would be fun, huh? Like those futuristic video phones we're never going to use.

6.) Here is a nice little image that you can put on your website. When the new number is up, it will also change. It is magic.