BurningMan Prankery!

The 'Disgruntled Postal Worker' performances gave me a chance to put together two of my favorite ongoing activities- business-reply mail and Artistic Greetings stickers.

The kind (actually indifferent) folks at Artistic Greetings made these nice stickers for me- because I paid them to.

They were stuck onto a pile of business-reply mail I had been saving up, and distributed to all the spectators at BurningMan. I just hope a few people actually packed the cards out and put them in the mail.

This one is a recurring theme of mine, meant for the lackeys in the mail rooms, handling all those little subscription cards- a kitten in their mailbox, if you will, a message of hope.

I made the one below, just to put a wrench in the gearbox of the BurningMan propaganda machine, and hopefully make a person or two wonder where that ticket money actually goes...

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