Pecker-Cam! I was taking a leak the other day, and it was one of those urinals that flushes automatically when you're done. On the front, where there once was a handle, is a dark lens covering some sort of sensor. I started thinking, what if it's NOT a sensor...what if it's a camera? There's somebody, somewhere, collecting endless images of peckers (you couldn't ask for a better camera angle). There could be this huge secret project, documenting penis size, brand of underwear, God knows what. |
The toilet flushes because the person watching makes it flush when you're done, not because of a little sensor. When it doesn't flush...broken sensor? No way! The guy watching is asleep, or taking a break, or checking out someone with better equipment. Sit-down toilets have this same auto-flush feature, but I think the cameras would get a different view... that could be a hole separate conspiracy! Somebody is watching you! Now I always wave at the little hidden camera when I pee. I want them to know that I'm onto their little game. Note- Don't read this if you are really high and prone to paranoia. Maybe I should have said that first ... |