Take a deep breath. Put on some soothing music. Fire up the potpourri burner. Relax with a cocktail, and calmly, resolutely, fill out your entry in Dr. Cliff's Guestbook. Put a little SPIN on your day- try telling the truth, and see where THAT gets ya! Go, man, go! And thanks for your two cents worth (cashier does not make change).
If you have a homepage, give us the URL and title: URL: Title:
Your Regular Old Name:
You're doing fine, just fine. Where are you from?
What you do for a living?
Coolest Car:
Recommended Reading:
Tastiest Food: Great, great. And you would describe yourself as:
Turn us all on to an Interesting URL: (type in the full 'http' etc. address)
The Deadly Sin You Indulge In Most: ; Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath
Did you ever see a chunk of roadkill and think, just for a sec, that it didn't really look too bad, and maybe if you were real hungry, maybe ...of COURSE you have- that's not the question. What kind of animal was it?
Just say, hypothetically, that you were gonna kill someone. How would you do it?
Please enter your suggestions here:
That was a riot, huh! Okay, here's a big ol' window for whatever you wanna type...knock yourself out, tiger.